Shared Services Outsourcing Week 2022
Join us for the 22nd annual European Shared Services and Outsourcing Week in May 2022!
As we re-emerge from the aftermath of the global pandemic, with newly learned resilience and agility, there has never been a greater timing or opportunity for Shared Services and GBS leaders to step up take the lead and set sail with their ambitious transformation agenda both for the GBS organisations as well as for the wider enterprise business.
Yet the journey ahead is fraught with new complexities on top of the previous challenges: How to recalibrate our operating model and navigate the new hybrid working environment? How can GBS effectively influence and drive supply chain transformation to be one step closer to an end-to-end enterprise? What are the new opportunities and challenges for GBS in the current high inflation and high-cost environment? How to further the journey of data and process standardisation to prepare for the new digital era? And how to navigate the intricacy of transformation to truly become the catalyst and the integral part of the organisational growth narrative?
Not to mention GBS organisations are expected to continue deliver value in so many different ways: leading back office integration, championing digital transformation, incubating innovation to fuel organisational transformation, whilst continuing to find new ways of driving value differently.
With all these extraordinary new challenges and expectations, what better way to prepare ourselves than coming together as a community again to hear from and exchange ideas with the best of the best from the industry?
And I hear you say: It has been too long! Yes, the wait is finally over – we are calling on all European GBS and Shared Services community to join us again to discuss and debate the future blueprint of GBS towards 2030, in-person, back in the beautiful Lisbon, to Reconnect, Recalibrate and Rewire! Join us to create your SSO of tomorrow, today!

VP EMEA at HighRadius