Cash Flow Management Software with Automated Bank Reconciliation

  • Easy integration with banks, ERPs, and independent market data sources for processing files in all formats
  • From data collection to reconciliation to updating cash positions, our cash management software automates the entire process for you
  • Cash transaction explorer to allow users to create cash or intercompany transactions and explore them with advanced search functionality
Cash Management Application with Automated Bank Reconciliation

Trusted by 200+ Global 2000 Companies

Autonomous Treasury Cash Management

Automated Data Gathering

Schedule and connect seamlessly with banks and other sources to extract data and auto-populate market data, bank transactions, and other  data needed to support multi-currency cash positioning.

  • Process files in all formats, including XML, BAI2, MT940, XLS, and CSV
  • Auto-classification of bank transaction category based on transaction details
  • Independent market data from external sources
  • Option for  users to override or manually upload their own market data
  • Includes holidays for all financial centers for the next 50 years to  manage business days

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Auto-reconciliation of Bank Statements

Auto-reconcile bank statement items based on user-defined tolerances, matching rules, and auto-cash transaction creation, and easily find and resolve exceptions with a manual matching option.

  • Automated reconciliation based on user-defined and standard tagging rules within tolerances (1-1 to many-many)
  • Maintain account level status of bank connectivity and reconciliation
  • Exception handling via manual reconciliation of transactions and outstanding statement items

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Cash Position Worksheets

Improve cash visibility using configurable cash position templates that provide customizable views of cash and bank balances including the ability to fund, clear, and create cash transactions in a single click.

  • On-demand cash positioning across bank accounts, companies, account groups, pools, currencies and time horizons.
  • Easily create cash and intercompany-linked transactions.
  • Drill down into transactional details for each account
  • Automatically record all cash activities across actual, mirrored, and notional bank accounts.

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Investment/Debt Planning

Investment and debt planning based on credit line availability and predetermined targets to make decisions more efficiently.

  • Create recommended concentration and funding transfers
  • Drag and drop functionality to make transfers in a single click

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Business intelligence

Online dashboards with transaction-level drill-down to make it easier to take decisions.

  • Robust reporting with transaction-level drill-down capabilities

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Bank Account Signatory Management

Track and manage accounts and other types of signatories.

  • Manual entry or bulk import
  • Bulk edit and delete ability to update many signatories at once
  • Track approval limits, different signatory groups, and types.
  • Tracking of personal information (GDPR compliant)

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Automate your bank connectivity and reconciliation

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