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Record to Report
Month-End Close: Steps, Checklist, and Best Practices

What Is Credit Control: Everything You Need to Know

Credit control is a procedure that businesses use to manage & regulate the amount of…

Order to Cash
Will AI Impact Collections Analysts’ Roles? Explore the 5 AI Use Cases Shaping Their Future

Record to Report
Journal Entry – Definition, Types, Examples & How to Record It

A Journal Entry is the record of a financial transaction in the accounting system. Learn…

Record to Report
A Comprehensive Guide to Cost Allocation [With Methods & Examples]

Cost Allocation is the process of identifying and assigning costs to cost objects. Learn how…

Record to Report
The AI-Powered CFO Revolutionizing Record to Report

The whitepaper delves into the transformative power of AI in the financial close process, specifically…

Billing & Payments
What Is Direct Payment and How Does It Work?

Direct payment is a financial transaction method where funds are transferred directly from one account…

Accounts Payable
What is Dynamic Discounting: A Comprehensive Guide

Dynamic discounting is a cost-saving solution that allows suppliers to receive early payments from buyers…

Record to Report
Direct Write-Off Vs Allowance Method – Meaning, Differences & Similarities

Direct write off and allowance method are two different approaches used to account for debts…

Order to Cash
How to Write Past Due Invoice Emails (with Templates)

Past due payments can be challenging for any business. Learn how to write effective past…

Gartner report
3rd year