Accounts Receivable Dashboard Excel Template

Accounts Receivable Dashboard Excel Template

7 March, 2022

  • Accounts receivable dashboard provides you with a snapshot of all key AR metrics that your business needs to track. It keeps you updated about defaulting customers, cash stuck in different aging buckets, days sales outstanding (DSO), and collector effectiveness index (CEI).
  • Here’s a free account receivables & collection analysis excel spreadsheet template that’ll help you stay on top of your invoices and accounts. Try out this Excel template to get a feel of how AR automation dashboards work.

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What is accounts receivable dashboard?
Key benefits of our Excel-based accounts receivable dashboard template
Scaling for growth? Look no further!
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What is accounts receivable dashboard?

Accounts receivable dashboards are visual representations of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to a company’s accounts receivable. They provide real-time data on metrics such as outstanding balances, average collection periods, and customer payment trends. By monitoring these KPIs, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize their accounts receivable processes.

Accounts Receivable Dashboard Template made in Excel or on spreadsheets can be used by individuals and companies without IT support and heavy investments. Our free Accounts Receivable Dashboard is an Excel-based template and runs on all versions of Microsoft Excel 2010 and above.

The major KPIs/metrics covered in our free accounts receivable Excel template are:

  • Revenue: Total sales made in a given time period.
  • Receivables: The sum of the amounts unpaid in all open and partially paid accounts.
  • Overdue Receivables and percent overdue: The amount of receivables that is past the due dates, and its proportion to all credit sales.
  • Invoice and aging classification: Bucket invoices into open, paid, and overdue categories. All open invoices further categorized into ‘not due’, ‘less than 30 days overdue’, ‘31 – 60’ days overdue, ‘61 -90’ days overdue, and past 90 days overdue.
  • Customer concentration: Top five customers by sales and receivables.
  • Collectors’ shares: Overdue amount and open invoices against each of your collectors/collection analysts
  • highradius

    Key benefits of our Excel-based accounts receivable dashboard template

    Here’re some reasons why you’ll love our Excel-based AR dashboard template:

  • No charges: The use of this dashboard is free.
  • Immediate use: Download the AR dashboard and start using it.
  • Easy to use: You only need to replace/enter data to the data with the invoice details and the dashboard will automatically show the results.
  • Customizable: Add new charts/graphs to the dashboard by entering the required data and keying in the basic Excel formulas.
  • Instructions sheet: A sheet is provided within the Excel dashboard with details on how to use the template.
  • Scaling for growth? Look no further!

    While accounts receivable dashboard Excel templates are great for solo entrepreneurs, start-ups, and some SMBs, it can be a bit difficult to manage when your invoice volumes increase and team grows. Simultaneous data entry and slower processing speed are some of the challenges that you may face.

    In such a situation, moving toward an AR automation solution from an AR Excel template would be the best trajectory. And we can help you here with our cloud-based, affordable, and quick to implement solution – RadiusOne.

    To know more about RadiusOne, visit our website or talk to one of our experts. We can seamlessly help you transition from an Excel-based AR template to an actual AR automation solution.

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