Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Automation

AI-based invoice processing platform with automated invoice validations, matching, approvals & ERP posting.

Optimize invoice processing cost, improve statutory compliance, control fraud and achieve DPO targets.

Desktop with Black Screen
AI-Based Credit Management Software

Key Modules

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

AI Invoice Data Capture

90%+ Invoice Capture. Extract invoice details from PDFs/images and auto-code invoices. More

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Invoice Processing & Matching

Three-Way Invoice Matching. Auto-validate against 10+ checks and identify exceptions. More

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Exception Handling

3X Exceptions Handled. Categorize and auto-assign exceptions to stakeholders. More

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Smart AP Workspace

Centralized Monitoring. Manage processing queues, access control, and auditability. More

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Approvals & Workflows

Automate Approvals. Role-based workflows for handling invoices, exceptions, and spend. More

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Reporting & Analytics

100% Visibility. Custom dashboards and reports to track AP aging, exceptions, and spends. More


Key Modules

  • AI Invoice Data Capture
  • Validation & Matching
  • Exception Handling
  • Reporting & Analytics


Improve Operational KPIs

  • 90%+ Invoice Capture Rate
  • 3X Exceptions Handled per Day
  • 100% Visibility of Accounts Payable

Deliver Business Outcomes

  • Reduce Invoice Processing Cost
  • Achieve DPO Target
  • Optimize Cash Outflow

Key Modules

  • AI Invoice Data Capture
  • Validation & Matching
  • Exception Handling
  • Reporting & Analytics

Improve Operational KPIs

  • 90%+ Invoice Capture Rate
  • 3X Exceptions Handled per Day
  • 100% Visibility of Accounts Payable

Deliver Business Outcomes

  • Reduce Invoice Processing Cost
  • Achieve DPO Target
  • Optimize Cash Outflow

400+ Enterprise Customers

Enterprise Customers

600+ Mid-Market Customers

Enterprise Customers

HighRadius Accounts Payable Automation Solution Overview

Collections Flow Diagram