Order-to-Cash Process Metrics

This e-book outlines the 15 metrics recommended by the Hackett Group to help you benchmark yourself against World-Class organizations, with a specific focus on the Order-to-Cash process KPIs. These KPIs are crucial indicators used to assess the efficiency of the order-to-cash process.

By tracking and comparing these order to cash performance metrics against best practices, organizations can gain valuable insights into their performance and identify areas for improvement in order management, invoicing, collections, and overall cash flow management.


Chapter 01

Executive Summary

Chapter 02

Order-to-Cash Process Metrics

Chapter 03


Chapter 04

About HighRadius
Chapter 02

Order-to-Cash Process KPIs & Metrics

Credit Management

1. Average Days It Takes to Complete New Credit Reviews

Efficiency Metric Graph of efficiency metricBest Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Implementation of best-of breed online credit application
  • Automated† correspondence for missing information such as bank/trade references, backups
  • Providing real-time tracking of application status


  • Improve customer experience with greater visibility
  • Reduced manual errors

2. Automated Versus Manual Credit Modelling Tools

Efficiency Metric Automated vs Manual Credit Modeling Tools Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Automated stakeholder correspondence for all credit decisions
  • Integrating with country-specific and industry specific credit agencies, public financials and Insurance bureaus
  • Automated capture of the fields from† the credit application form


  • Standardize credit operation across various platforms
  • Improved productivity to work on high value customers

Billing and Invoicing

3.Percent of Invoices Generated & Distributed Electronically

Efficiency Metric Customer invoices generated metricBest Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Adopt automated e-invoicing portal
  • Deliver invoice according to customer preferred channel such as portal and e-mail
  • Track conversion of customers from paper to†† e-invoice


  • Self-service customer portal saves print+ mail costs
  • Eliminate low-value tasks in billing and invoicing such as dealing with paper, doing back-and-forth

4. Average Time It Takes to Bill

Efficiency Metric Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Self-service customer portal for viewing invoices
  • Using a single portal which includes all relevant backup documents such as PODs, BOls
  • Streamlined collaboration between internal teams


  • Lower payment cycles
  • Improved customer experience

5. Percentage of Invoices Corrected for Billing Errors

Effectiveness Metric Reduced billing invoices graph Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Automated invoice generation from ERP open invoices
  • Inbuilt correspondence templates and packages with auto-attached documents


  • Lower deductions
  • Faster collections
  • Better customer experience

6. Percent of Customers Who Access Accounts via Web-based Application

Effectiveness Metric Process Cost per Customer Remittance Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Invoicing customers electronically via email, portals
  • Allowing customers to pay in electronic payment formats ACH, Credit cards and e-Checks through payment portal
  • Offering incentives to customers to bring them onto Web-based portals


  • Faster payments
  • Improve E-adoption
  • Better customer experience

Cash Application

†7. Process Cost per Customer Remittance

Efficiency Metric Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Standardized processing for different e-remittance types
  • Automated aggregation of remittances from portals,e-mails and EDI


  • Easy e-adoption in payments
  • Lower cost in process payments

8. Automatic Remittance Posting Matching Rate

Efficiency Metrics Hands-free cash posting with lower process costs Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Template-agnostic remittance capture
  • Aggregating the remittances from multiple sources( mails, EDI, web-portals)
  • AI enabled payment matching & exception handling


  • Reallocate users
  • Reduced costs

Deductions Management

9. Average Dispute Resolution Cycle Time

Efficiency Metric Average Dispute Resolution Cycle Time Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Identifying deductions at Cash Application
  • A single repository for all the backup documents such as notes, claims across internal and external teams
  • Track deductions aging


  • Improved recovery of invalid deductions
  • Better adherence to big box retailers such as Walmart

10.Percent Of Dispute Are Not Resolved By The Initial Resolver

†& Needs To Be Escalated Within The Management Team Effectiveness Metric

Management team Graph

Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Providing visibility into resolution status and progress of the dispute
  • Seamless collaboration between internal teams
  • Easing the research process by having all the documents at one single place


  • Lowers DDO
  • More bandwidth to work on invalid deductions

Collections Management

11. Process Cost per Collection Contact

Efficiency Metrics Process Cost per Collection Contact Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Providing a prioritized worklist for collectors
  • Adopting automatic correspondence approach versus dial for dollar approach
  • Having single source of truth across various platform to access backup documents such as invoices copies, claims documents


  • Design scalable collections operation
  • Facilitates reaching out to a broader customer base

12. Collection Contacts per FTE

Efficiency Metrics Collection Contacts per FTE Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Inbuilt correspondence templates and packages with auto-attached back-up documents to save time
  • Sending pro-active reminder to customer prior to the payment due date
  • Automated correspondence to different customer buckets


  • Restricting phone calls to only select high-risk customers
  • Reduce aging/ past dues

13. Average Days Delinquent

Effectiveness Metric Average Days Delinquent Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Sending automated proactive reminders before payment due date
  • Predict when the customer is about to pay using Artificial Intelligence
  • Provide customers with self-service portal for viewing invoices and making payments


  • Improve working capital
  • Reduce dependence on banks for short-term banking

14. Percent of Credit Sales Collected within Terms

Effectiveness Metric Percent of Credit Sales Collected within Terms Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Provide incentives for early payments
  • Enable payment features such as auto-pay, schedule pay


  • Improve Days Sales Outstanding
  • Minimize missed payments


15. Process Cost as Percent of Revenue

Efficiency Metric Process Cost as Percent Review Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:

  • Ensure high employee productivity by eliminating manual error prone tasks
  • E-adoption from paper
  • Keep a track on high-risk customers to ensure there is minimal bad-debt and write-off


  • Improved working capital and cash flow
  • Easier cash management


Delinquent Accounts: What Are They and How to Handle Them

7 Successful Debt Collection Techniques to Reduce Bad Debts

Credit Card Processing Fees: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Calculation Guide

There’s no time like the present

Get a Demo of Cash Application Cloud for Your Business

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HighRadius Cash Application Software enables the end-to-end automation of the cash application process that covers major benefits such as AI-enabled data capture for remittances, auto-linking of payments with open invoices, cost-cutting on lockbox fees and easy compatibility with any system due to its ERP-agnostic Saas infrastructure. Apart from the major benefits that it has, there are some key features which can not be missed out, some of them are Email Remittance capture, Discounts and Deductions Handling, Check Remittance Capture, Web Remittance Capture, Invoice Matching, and RDC & Mobile Payments.