Credit Management
1. Average Days It Takes to Complete New Credit Reviews
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Implementation of best-of breed online credit application
- Automated† correspondence for missing information such as bank/trade references, backups
- Providing real-time tracking of application status
- Improve customer experience with greater visibility
- Reduced manual errors
2. Automated Versus Manual Credit Modelling Tools
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Automated stakeholder correspondence for all credit decisions
- Integrating with country-specific and industry specific credit agencies, public financials and Insurance bureaus
- Automated capture of the fields from† the credit application form
- Standardize credit operation across various platforms
- Improved productivity to work on high value customers
Billing and Invoicing
3.Percent of Invoices Generated & Distributed Electronically
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Adopt automated e-invoicing portal
- Deliver invoice according to customer preferred channel such as portal and e-mail
- Track conversion of customers from paper to†† e-invoice
- Self-service customer portal saves print+ mail costs
- Eliminate low-value tasks in billing and invoicing such as dealing with paper, doing back-and-forth
4. Average Time It Takes to Bill
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Self-service customer portal for viewing invoices
- Using a single portal which includes all relevant backup documents such as PODs, BOls
- Streamlined collaboration between internal teams
- Lower payment cycles
- Improved customer experience
5. Percentage of Invoices Corrected for Billing Errors
Effectiveness Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Automated invoice generation from ERP open invoices
- Inbuilt correspondence templates and packages with auto-attached documents
- Lower deductions
- Faster collections
- Better customer experience
6. Percent of Customers Who Access Accounts via Web-based Application
Effectiveness Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Invoicing customers electronically via email, portals
- Allowing customers to pay in electronic payment formats ACH, Credit cards and e-Checks through payment portal
- Offering incentives to customers to bring them onto Web-based portals
- Faster payments
- Improve E-adoption
- Better customer experience
Cash Application
†7. Process Cost per Customer Remittance
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Standardized processing for different e-remittance types
- Automated aggregation of remittances from portals,e-mails and EDI
- Easy e-adoption in payments
- Lower cost in process payments
8. Automatic Remittance Posting Matching Rate
Efficiency Metrics
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Template-agnostic remittance capture
- Aggregating the remittances from multiple sources( mails, EDI, web-portals)
- AI enabled payment matching & exception handling
- Reallocate users
- Reduced costs
Deductions Management
9. Average Dispute Resolution Cycle Time
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Identifying deductions at Cash Application
- A single repository for all the backup documents such as notes, claims across internal and external teams
- Track deductions aging
- Improved recovery of invalid deductions
- Better adherence to big box retailers such as Walmart
10.Percent Of Dispute Are Not Resolved By The Initial Resolver
†& Needs To Be Escalated Within The Management Team Effectiveness Metric

Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Providing visibility into resolution status and progress of the dispute
- Seamless collaboration between internal teams
- Easing the research process by having all the documents at one single place
- Lowers DDO
- More bandwidth to work on invalid deductions
Collections Management
11. Process Cost per Collection Contact
Efficiency Metrics
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Providing a prioritized worklist for collectors
- Adopting automatic correspondence approach versus dial for dollar approach
- Having single source of truth across various platform to access backup documents such as invoices copies, claims documents
- Design scalable collections operation
- Facilitates reaching out to a broader customer base
12. Collection Contacts per FTE
Efficiency Metrics
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Inbuilt correspondence templates and packages with auto-attached back-up documents to save time
- Sending pro-active reminder to customer prior to the payment due date
- Automated correspondence to different customer buckets
- Restricting phone calls to only select high-risk customers
- Reduce aging/ past dues
13. Average Days Delinquent
Effectiveness Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Sending automated proactive reminders before payment due date
- Predict when the customer is about to pay using Artificial Intelligence
- Provide customers with self-service portal for viewing invoices and making payments
- Improve working capital
- Reduce dependence on banks for short-term banking
14. Percent of Credit Sales Collected within Terms
Effectiveness Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Provide incentives for early payments
- Enable payment features such as auto-pay, schedule pay
- Improve Days Sales Outstanding
- Minimize missed payments
15. Process Cost as Percent of Revenue
Efficiency Metric
Best Practices from World-Class Organizations:
- Ensure high employee productivity by eliminating manual error prone tasks
- E-adoption from paper
- Keep a track on high-risk customers to ensure there is minimal bad-debt and write-off
- Improved working capital and cash flow
- Easier cash management