This webinar answers the most important question for the A/R teams, how to boost working capital and improve cash flow? Join Katherine McClure, Partner Development Manager, PPRO Group, and Deepanjan Chattopadhyay, Associate Vice President, Payments Products, HighRadius, as they discuss how e-adoption and Local Payments Method can be a great combination for driving revenues and building a best-in-class buyer experience for B2B.

On Demand Webinar

The Trillion Dollar A/R Question

Boost Working Capital & Revenue with Localized
Payment Options and E-commerce

Session Summary

This webinar answers the most important question for the A/R teams, how to boost working capital and improve cash flow? Join Katherine McClure, Partner Development Manager, PPRO Group, and Deepanjan Chattopadhyay, Associate Vice President, Payments Products, HighRadius, as they discuss how e-adoption and Local Payments Method can be a great combination for driving revenues and building a best-in-class buyer experience for B2B.

Key Takeaways

Improving working capital and cash flow
  • DSO and cash flow are inversely proportional – Lower the DSO, better the cash flow.
  • Combination of e-adoption and local payments can reduce DSO and improve cash flow
Driving successful e-adoption for your organization
  • Understanding e-adoption and its relevance for payments
  • Reasons why e-adoptions programs fail
  • Addressing the challenges for driving a successful e-adoption program
Local Payment Methods (LPM) and why it’s important
  • Major payment categories across geographies
  • Definition and different types of local payment methods
  • Benefits of accepting local payment methods
  • Global overview for local payments methods
Impact of LPM on your business
  • Cross border opportunities with local methods
  • Benefits of local payments for penetrating new markets, increasing sales, and driving customer experiences

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 0:01
So this is the agenda for today’s webinar, we will spend the first part of the webinar discussing how customer e adoption can help boost cash flows and working capital. And the second part of today’s webinar will discuss what local payment methods are, why your customers like them, and how to impact cash flows and working capital.

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 0:22
So with that, let’s just get started. So how do you boost working capital? Regular influx of cash, cash helps businesses boost working capital. More working capital means organisations can leverage growth opportunities and focus on the core business. Most organisations today, use it as a measure to know how good the cash flow is. As most of you know DSO or days sales outstanding is a calculation used by organisations to estimate the size of their outstanding accounts receivables. It measures the size not in units of the currency, but an average sales days. It’s interpreted as the day’s worth of average sales that you currently have outstanding DSO and cash flow are inversely proportional. What that means is a low DSO for an organisation means that their cash flow is good. We believe that two simple steps will go a long way in helping organisations improve their cash flow. One is driving the adoption among your customers and to supporting local payment methods across different geographies. So how can a combination of E adoption and local payment methods help organisations improve their cash flow? The adoption is about bringing your customers onto an online portal or platform where they can collaborate and communicate effectively with you to improve their overall air process and experience. Invoice present rent and payments key actions that most customers expect an online portal to support. Some of these payment options could be local payment methods that customers are familiar with. So what is the local payment method or lpm. Any preferred payment method and a particular region that has a higher usage as compared to traditional payment methods can be considered as a local payment method. Some of the popular lpmc are real time bank transfers, e wallets, cash enablement, cash, enable payments, and direct debit payments. If customers find these familiar payment options on the portal, then the likelihood of them making e payments increases significantly. So now let’s all get deeper into what we mean by E adoption, the opportunities and challenges and how to drive a successful e adoption programme. So what do we mean by E adoption? E adoption is bringing your customers onto an effective online portal or platform where they can collaborate and communicate effectively with you to improve the overall air process and customer experience. Some example, samples of such beneficial collaboration can be customers can view invoices and statements in their local language within the portal itself or delivered via email. different geographies and different business units may require different invoice templates. This enables timely delivery of invoices in a format that is easily understood by your customers. This encourages customers to self serve, reduces the need for customer support and increases the likelihood of timely payments. And other such collaboration can be about customers accessing familiar payment options in the portal and making electronic payments in a secure environment. Customers can save payment preferences or scheduled future payments, making it easier for them to manage their payments and avoid late payment penalties. This improves cash flow for your organisation, increasing the speed of payments while reducing costs and risks. Customers can submit either remittances tax certificates and other information needed to accelerate the AR process and improve the cash flow. You can also use this portal to import latest product info or any urgent communications to your customers.

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 4:15
Why is he adoption important for you? He adoption can help to ensure that invoices are delivered timely and to the right person in the customer organisation. You can also track what actions your customers are taking on these invoices. proactively provide any clarifications or support and guide customers to the desired action. It helps in reducing the cost of invoicing for your organisation. As most of the correspondence is sent electronically, your mailing and paper costs will be cut down. It helps in reducing the cost of accepting payments while increasing the speed of payments. Migrating customers from cheques to E payments has realised these payments faster. And all of these improve your cash flow and help reduce DSO An additional benefit of Viet option is that it encourages self serve, thereby reducing the need for customer support related to invoice and payment clarifications, this will free up your air analysts to shift their focus to other high impact tasks.

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 5:21
Most organisations we know have run one or more adoption programmes that have failed. This happens because setting up the portal with the required features and functionalities is a key first step. But most organisations have a big challenge in getting customers to adopt the portal and drive meaningful engagement. Some of the challenges we have encountered in our experience one customer’s resistance to change. As human beings we are all resistant to change. Something I’m sure you’ve heard often from your customers is, Hey, your new portal is really nice, but I’m just more comfortable with sending in checks. Number two unclear value for the customer. Customers don’t get a clear answer to the fundamental question. What is the net for me? This is a question we all ask ourselves before doing anything so on this this is answered clearly announced that front, convincing customers to sign up for the new portal is going to be very difficult. Three security concerns in this age of online identity theft, data theft, etc. Most customers are understandably anxious when it comes to securing themselves from fraud. We have heard customers express their concern that they’re not sure what happens to the bank account details once they enter them into the portal. For lack of technology, sophistication, most of you deal with a wide spectrum of customers. Some are very big, but sophisticated IT systems like ERPs and CRMs. And they’re quite familiar with technology. Others may be small operations that run mainly on paper and excel sheets. And usually it is the set of customers that are the primary target of adoption tribes. But these customers may be more comfortable with paper invoices and paper payments because that they are set up to manage only those. And finally, lack of information. People are busier now than ever before and constantly bombarded with all sorts of information. So don’t be surprised if your customers have missed your communication about the shiny new portal. I was not aware of this new way of downloading statements. This is something we have heard quite often in our experience. We believe that there’s a three step process to driving any adoption programme. Step one, segment the customer base and target your E adoption. It is advisable to run the adoptions in iterations with the learnings of one iteration flowing into the next step to invite and track. Invite your customers using a structured campaign that uses a combination of clear value statement and personalised communications. Back it up with an easy registration process. track customer conversion using an analytics and modify the campaign messaging to maximise conversion. Step three, communicate and support continuously communicate with your customers about the portal capabilities best practices, benefits, FAQs, etc. phase out the customer invitation so you’re able to provide the right amount of customer support. Inviting all customers at one shot could result in massive strain on customer support and degrade the overall customer experience. Now let’s get into the details of these three steps for driving an adoption programme. Step one, segment and target. Most of you are dealing with large numbers of customers covering the spectrum in terms of size, geography, regions strategic importance, technical sophistication, average invoice size, payment volumes, etc. Rather than trying to target all these diverse customers at one go, it is advisable to first classify the customers based on certain parameters that best reflect your business requirement. Some possible classifications could be like classify from an air perspective, high value versus low value. Or maybe classify based on importance to your business like National customers in phase one, and since these are usually the high value players versus regional customers and phase two. Thirdly, articulate the value to your organisation when these customers start using the portal. That way you track the correct KPIs while rolling out the adoption programme. Some examples of possible value statements could be moving from paper invoices to invoices could save up to $8 per invoice. In that case, the KPI you should be tracking is how many of your customers move to this invoice. is one state registered? Another measure,

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 10:03
another measure could another value statement could be, you know, moving from check to a payment could save up to $3 per check. That means, okay, your API should be that okay, how many of my customers have now moved from paper checks to email a payment methods like ACH credit cards or something else. Step two is invite and track. Use the portals campaign tool to send out mass invitations automatically to your customers. Use tools that support chunking of invitations so you can space them out over time, without overwhelming your customer support organisation and degrading the customer experience. Use the campaign tool to craft personalised invitation messages that best articulate value to your customer. These messages also help accelerate conversion. Some possible examples are get timely access to all do invoices and demise late payment penalties, or something like better visibility to discount programmes that can be leveraged by paying early or something like higher control over timing of payments and payment preferences. Use the campaign Analytics to track customer conversions. Some of the advanced campaign analytics go much beyond the usual mail delivered and mail open statistics. You can even track whether the mail served resulting in the desired customer action on the portal. Step three is about communicate and support. Use custom campaigns to notify customers about any changes in the portal, like new features, new payment methods, etc. Publish training documents or videos or FAQs on the portal and include the relevant links within the customer notifications. Customers can also leverage the in Portal self serve help inform customers about the security features available on the portal to ensure their bank and credit card information is safe. With the ease of using self serve portals automate most of the regular manual tasks that customers had to do prior to adoption for example, moving to auto statements, auto invoices, etc. This helps to free up the customer’s time and your time. In summary, the value of E adoption for merchants are it brings all your customer sent to one global portal without compromising on local flavours like local language local currency local payment methods, it helps reduce costs of invoice delivery and payments. At the same time, it helps increase speed of payments, thereby reducing DSO and it helps drive easier and faster collaboration with your customers resulting in better business management. And with that, I’ll hand it over to Katherine for the next session section on the local payment methods

Katherine McClure 13:02
thanks to Pon Gen for all your help upon that just a moment as I get things moved over to my section here

Katherine McClure 13:25

Katherine McClure 13:41
my apologies here I need to ask to speak to our moderators here am I supposed to be sharing my own content or just sharing what’s on the screen

Moderator 13:50
you’re able to go ahead and just start your part with the screen you’re currently the hook or the in charge of the presentation Catherine

Katherine McClure 14:03
Okay, so how do I forward slides

Moderator 14:08
it should be the arrows on the left if it’s not working just let me know and I could advance for you.

Katherine McClure 14:20
Um, we may have to do that because I am not seeing where I can advance slides.

Moderator 14:27
Sure, no worries. Are we able to start on this slide or can we advance

Katherine McClure 14:33
we can adapt Yes.

Moderator 14:48
Do you see the six major payments categories?

Katherine McClure 14:53
I do not know. I am seeing the connector slide

Moderator 15:01
You’re seeing which slides

Moderator 15:04
the slides just got the pictures of the presenters.

Moderator 15:08
Oh, interesting. Are you able to see the local payment methods slide? I’m not know. If it makes it easier, you might have to share your screen like the panjin did.

Katherine McClure 15:38
I do hear from one of our attendees that they’re seeing the same slide that I am. So let me go ahead and pull up my, my section of the presentation and see about sharing my screen. Apologies to all of our attendees here for our coffees.

Moderator 15:59
Katherine, do you see slide 28? The local payment methods, you know, yeah. Yeah, sorry, I see the agenda, advance that I can do it fantastic. So

Katherine McClure 16:09
again, apologies for our technical difficulty here. But my name as introduced core, I am a partner development manager in North America for Kibo. And what I’m going to cover today, starting by putting the categories around the world, defining a local payment method, what are some of the regions, and certainly this is an area where we could go very, very deep, but for the sake of time, we look at it at a pretty high level, and then talk about the impact of global payments, from a business to business perspective, as well as that for business, to compute to consumer. And then I want the time at the end to to answer any of your specific questions in advance. All right. So in payments overall, I think this one is very global perspective, there are six major payment categories. And if you are US based chances are you’re much much more likely to to be working with the fifth category there. And it’s not in the first category that we might hear of bank transfers. Certainly, that’s what we consider to be ACH in the United States. But obviously, all around the world, people make a lot of ways. And there are some schemes that we consider to be card schemes along the terms of a Visa or MasterCard, but that actually work with bank transfers. I’ll talk specifically about a few of them a bit later in the presentation. But a very common in Europe, for both consumers and businesses to enter credentials to do a payment. The next one is a wallet, very common in, in Asia. But when you walk into something that here in the United States, we we think of maybe a PayPal or Venmo, they operate a bit differently in Asia and and that they definitely are in categories in the wallet. The third one in the cash payment scheme. And I always think of as being the most interesting way of combining ecommerce with brick and mortar. Because basically, you can pay for things online in a brick and mortar fashion using cash that is more common in Southeast Asia and South America. Next one local card schemes. And there are a number of local card schemes around the world. So they may or may not also be tagged with a major card brands like these are MasterCard, but they are specific, specific to a given region. International credit schemes, I don’t think I need to cover that, that. And then there’s an other category, which falls into a number of different things. But in the example that we talked about, it’s particularly instalment payments, quite common in Europe, but becoming more popular around the world, to where a payment can be made in instalments. What typically done in an electronics shop when we’re talking about consumers, but definitely something that everyone should be aware of a pointer is a popular one, a couple of others that have gotten some traction. You know, if you’re watching this in North America and have some question sites, there are companies like afterpay and affirm that allow you to get your fashion, you know that week or you know, shipped to you, but then you’ll make payments on it over time, the merchants made full quickly in the situation. So it’s not something where a merchant is going to be out even though the consumer is going to pay over time and move to the next slide. So I’ve covered for a local payment method, something that’s pretty common in a different area and fp Pro. We typically because they’re a little intimidated to be just about anything except for the ganache card brands that are more common in in parts of Europe, Europe and in North America, it can be something that’s specific to a given region doesn’t have to be it can be something that is a worldwide payment type, but really just about anything outside of the departments and events.

Katherine McClure 20:27
So we have a poll question might even hear from from moderators to help us? Oh, I see it maybe coming up on the side of your screen right. Now we have a poll question. Very interested from everyone attending? How do you really how do you feel about local payments, or if this is something that you’re actually doing in your business, currently, so Option A is whether you use local payment methods for your cross border commerce, or whether you use traditional journal payments only, which we would consider to be ACH transfers, as well as it’s like cards or cards in paper, taking a payment, or to see if you know, your individual commits that you’re interested in knowing more about local payment methods. Now, we haven’t gotten to the many of the advantages of local payment methods, because our has been focused on just a reduction. So you know, hopefully, everyone, if you’re not already taking a look, local payment methods, see would be your answer, and then to just point your vote. But hopefully, if you’re here, and you’re listening, there’s something that you want to know more about.

Katherine McClure 21:41
Alright, so why do you want to accept a local payment method. And this is something that’s actually been addressed not only for your b2b payments, and certainly, because we’re here talking about high radius, that is going to be our focus. But even in any consumer marketing that you do, there are a number of advantages of taking local payment methods, in addition to the traditional ones of ACH locally in the States, it’s an international card. First off, typically, you’ve got lower transaction fees, many of the payment methods can be more secure. And with that, also, for lower taxes, these bank payment methods, these types of, you know, they’re not laden with the things that make interchange in an international card, much more expensive. So there’s, you don’t have that corporate kickback from a corporate card. And you don’t have the same types of rewards and benefits that may come from using an international traditional traditional credit card. So overall, you will see lower transaction fees, and they’re highly secure. Most of them do have some set of multi factor authentication. And that makes, that makes a real difference of time sooner. For anyone that’s trying to do an international wire, you know that it takes time, and it’s quite quite expensive. Whereas if your who’s gonna pay you is able to put in a password and Ivan number or be able to scan a QR code in an E wallet, you’re going to be able to see where this transaction actions are, is sooner way and a quicker way. And then a better user interface and experience. The big thing here is that payments in b2b tend to follow what we do in b2c. So previously, when we all were writing checks at the grocery store, everyone was writing checks to do their b2b payments, that’s changing cards are becoming a bigger part of B to B. And the next thing to do within that space is to happen to a payment follow along with what’s going in follow a b2b payments will be followed will follow what is going on in business to consumer payments. Let’s go to the next time. It will overview can catch right by that. So you’re on fire. There are a number of different logos that you may or may not have seen around the world for different types of payments. I’m not going to go into the intricacies of here, but there may be something that that looks familiar to you. The real key thing to take a look at here is that credit cards are only going to account for 15% percent of global online payments by 2021. Now that payment right that number right now is 23%. And you may be thinking voluminous. Visa, MasterCard, huge organisations very popular and they’re having definitely an increase in their reach around the world. Well, so why would this number be smaller than it is today? And the answer is, is that when a pie gets bigger, a slice of that pie can be, it may also get bigger, but it’s going to be a smaller percentage of the pie as a whole. So 23% to 15% doesn’t necessarily mean that something is reduced thing, it means that whole pie is getting bigger, so that the percentage of that pie isn’t smaller. In many parts of the world, electronic payments, these local payments are what people are becoming accustomed to, to use. And as more and more people adopt digital payments, these payment types are going to grow. We’ve seen that historically over the past couple of decades, and it’s just going to continue to grow. And there’ll be more payment types that come on line. But even from a North American type perspective, it’s, you know, we’re seeing Venmo comm or St. Clark is making a foothold in the United States. We’re seeing a number of these Apple Pay IBM, and Zell is certainly something that if I’m able to list of things that are, you know, they’re able to do from online bank things. So these types of payments are not going to go away, they’re going to go from being potentially an afterthought for your business to something that you’re absolutely essentially going to have to have moved to the next slide. So emphasis actually, in the first, Visa, MasterCard are 23% of E commerce now, obviously, is adequate. But it’s really important to take a look at a number of these statistics to really show Okay, well, where are these payments going?

Katherine McClure 26:43
Local carts 3%. So things like bank contact and ljm or astropay. In our Astra card in South America, even things that are going to have a very significant impact in these countries. And in cross border, as well as bank transfers are always going to be big, it’s not a huge leap to really think about, you know, how ACH and how check is a significant part of the payment today, it’ll continue to be a very significant part of b2b payments, cross border and around the world for for years and years to come. Probably the next line, all right. And again, for the sake of time, I’m a big nerd, honestly. And I could go into a lot of detail on countries and regions and that type of thing. And if this is something that’s of interest, to your business, to be able to accept payments on your consumer, but certainly a b2b perspective, definitely reach out to you as a retiree if we talk to your sales team, and we can continue the conversation and provide to a lot of information waiting on this high level view. Now, we’re gonna start in the Asia Pacific, can’t talk about cross border commerce and not talk about China. And China is a region that is very much adopted, you wallet, payments, QR QR codes. As an example, I was in Las Vegas, earlier this week on a speech impediment and just about everywhere I went, I saw advertised payments for China UnionPay for WeChat pay and Alipay QR codes, any discounts with any vendor. If you’re going to be doing business with the Chinese, and they’re going to pay you that is something that is definitely worth thinking about this region as a whole with consumer, or business. It’s a burgeoning area. And therefore, something tuition payments, like Alipay and wechat pay are ones in which that’s what these people are accustomed to. This is what I’ve seen, they’re not worried about legacy infrastructure, like parts of the Western world are, there are these new payment types are going to be what they adopt. A lot of these people are getting internet for the first time. And when you do that, now, it’s not going to be on a desktop computer, or towers that we remember growing up with, they’re going to be doing and on a mobile phone. And that mobile phone can do everything for them. And like it was asked does from them from different perspectives. Very, very modern. Let’s look at Pacific good our next region. North America, assuming the number of people from North America on this call, but I don’t want to make the assumption. It’s a highly internal match adopted region. Not quite as much in Mexico, but they are definitely an emerging market, as well as banking. What they want to talk about in North America. Americas is not the US or Canada because that’s something that’s you know, very pretty you very forward market, Mexico is an interesting one because of their lower level of having unbanked or underbanked. consumers. So that’s a more, okay, more and more with with consumers than with businesses. But the cash payment of an internet purchase is some thing that is actually really way more common way more common than these overall North America numbers will share. So what happens with these consumers is that they shop online, they fill their shopping cart, and they select a payment method such as Oxo, which is a chain of convenience stores as their payment, and they’ll get a voucher, and we’ll go to the hotel, and either the counter at a kiosk, they will complete their purchase, make them very interesting from a logistic standpoint for business, because you’re not getting that immediate payment that you normally see in you know, in kind of a traditional card world. But it is very, very common in Mexico to make these cash payments. Let’s move on to the next line. Central and South America very, very interesting market and one in which P Pro

Katherine McClure 31:12
P Pro

has taken a great interest recently there are a lot of opportunities in

Latin America for both b2b and b2c payments.

One thing that’s kind of interesting is in Brazil, the the hash based payment that is most popular, there are a couple that have been cards.

And it’s actually not a thing where the consumer payment. I mean, certainly consumers units, which are quite popular in b2b, that these Billetto is that are paid for in banks or in other types of stores are very popular in b2b as well as in b2c commerce.

So if you’re doing business and results, being able to work with the letter bank, reo, both within country and cross border can be quite significant to your business. Because certainly, if you can alter the payment types, that

your customer wants to be able to pay with it back to some of the things that Anjan mentioned earlier in the webinar around people don’t want they’re comfortable with. And if you spent your entire life and your entire business life, using balletto, and carrio to pay your personal bills, as well as painter business invoices, it’s really what you want to continue doing. And it’s a completely normal process for them. And it’s a way that you’re going to get, you’re going to get paid faster. And they’re going to think that you’re easier to do business with compared to a competitor that may or may not have an option like that for them.

Next slide, please.

Western and Central Europe, this area, very, very popular to have bank transfers. So I had mentioned previously about some of the bank transfer methods. And it’s really something that people has a great focus in, within Europe. And one example I’ll give for, for this region is actually the Netherlands, there is a consortium of financial institutions, about a dozen or so. And they call themselves ideal. And what ideal did at the beginning of E commerce is that they did promotion, and out to the Dutch people, and said, ideal is how you pay for E commerce, e commerce. And so whatever was going online for the first time, and making their first purchase to this ideal was they’re saying, This is how you pay for your online purchases. And so years and years later to this day, over 57% of online transactions of an E commerce happen through the idle network. So you can just imagine, if you don’t have as an option, whether it’s to a consumer or to a business, you’re going to have a higher level of friction for that user. And whether if it’s a consumer, it may mean that they decide to shop someplace else that accepts ideal, or from a b2b perspective, it just adds additional time and additional friction to the process, which means you’re gonna get paid quickly. And we all know, getting paid faster as well as the next five even and Thomas of Independent States, former Soviet Union area, another burgeoning area, with ecommerce. And you can see the credit card penetration is quite low in this region, right? I mean, it’s difficult to the world at 18%. But you’ve got a very different mix of how how transactions happen. There’s a lot of bank transfers, there’s a lot of use wallets. So thinking about how this region likes to pay it to work in this region and you want to get paid from this region. Definitely. You need to take a look at an option when compared to traditional cart. Let’s keep Middle East and Africa. Huge burgeoning market. It’s something that’s really interesting in this area, you know, I mentioned there are a lot of people whose, you know, first exposure to internet is via their phones. So very true. Is especially in subSaharan Africa. So you’ve got you guys come by and pick up where you’re actually loading funds onto a wire that lives on the phone. This is an area that we are going to we’re expecting to see massive, massive, massive growth in the decades ahead as more people become banks and more business looks to go cross border. Huge opportunity but there’s a lot of investment from more industrialised nations in to Africa. Let’s keep going.

So I really driven this home I’m talking about a number of the operative communities that exist within cross border. And the fact that if you offer the payment methods that your customer, whether that customer is a business or a consumer, if you offer the types of payments that they’re looking for, you’re going to create a better experience. It’s not always about reducing friction. A lot of times, it’s about comfort. So some of these methods do seem like that they’ve got some friction to them, and what people are accustomed to. And when you think of different cultures around the world, there’s different levels of comfort without friction. Certainly some regions feel that friction brings them more security. And in some regions, they just want to get everything out as quickly as possible. So really thinking about the areas in which you want to target your business, and the payers that you have, if you can customise how people actually want to pay, that’s going to drive your adoption. And that’s going to that’s going to improve the experience for your customers. And certainly better experiences lead to higher volumes.

So I think I’ve touched on a good number of these. And I want to be very cognizant of the amount of time that we’ve got, because certainly we want to address your questions. But accepting local payment methods really helps you connect with your customers with your vendors. When someone sees the payment type that they’re accustomed to, they’re going to feel much more comfortable in spending more money with your business, it’s going to allow you to have better penetration into the market. So they have hadn’t mentioned is that a number of these payment methods actually don’t have chargeback functionality. So if you’re accustomed to using your traditional V surmounts, MasterCard, especially if they’re done. In much of western Europe, in the United States, there are a lot of protections that we have as consumers and its card holders. A lot of these types of protections don’t exist with these local payment methods. Now, as a consumer, you may think that that’s a little odd. But again, this is what these customers are accustomed having. In America, we’re accustomed to be able to charge back everything possible, and there be a large arbitration process. And all of that just doesn’t exist in many of these different industries. And the benefit to you is that you’re not paying fees that include everything that goes along with finding these protections to into the person who’s paying you is it’s sort of a different, remind that much more like what you’re used to seeing with ACH. And certainly you’re going to drive loyalty and build trust, when you’re working with someone in another country, they may not be familiar with you as much or working with you as much. But if you can show them that you understand how to do business. By doing things like offering them a payment method, it’s definitely only going to increase their, their their image of you. And I make a lot of sense. And definitely the more options that you provide to the people who pay you, the faster you’re going to get paid. And the more that you’re going to get paid. I’ve been in payments for some time. And I always seem to joke that if when someone wants to pay you, if they want to pay you a chicken’s, and you’re able to spend chickens, you would expect that chickens The point being is that people do do want to pay their bills, they want to pay their invoices, and businesses just want to get paid. They want to get paid quickly. And they don’t want to have to pay a lot of stress. Accepting local methods and being able to get it in the currency that you want, which is something that we take care of for you. That is how you’re going to drive more business. Next slide. Alright, so we’re going about people, folks, we are partner with high radius, as the pungent mentioned at the beginning of the webinar are so being able to access these payment methods is something that we do via high radius. So high radius has a connection to us that p per hour. And we connect to about 150 different payment methods around the world. So it’s a one to many connection. You know, it’s it simplifies collection, it simplifies contracting. It simplifies things from a technical perspective. It’s certainly challenging enough for a software platform to keep up with the International car brands. So essentially, we bring the rest of the world to the high radius solution. going alright, we’re not the pro We have offices all over the world as a global company, probably not something that is surprising at all. I’m actually based in our Atlanta office. That’s our North American course. We were founded in Munich. We are headquartered in London. And some of our new offices are in Sao Paulo in Singapore. So from a, a low cost perspective, and certainly from a support perspective, we’re on 24/7. On to the next one. And certainly from a licencing a membership perspective, we are highly respected with a number of organisations around the world. We are FCA, like I said, we are even so we can deposit funds around the world. Security extremely important to us. So we have got memberships of Visa, MasterCard,

and PCI level security, we don’t just want to connect to payment around the world, we know that it’s about building trust. And we know that it’s about keeping things safe and secure. So it’s extremely important for us to not only do these things, but also contribute from a thought leadership perspective to organisations around the world. So if you want to follow us on LinkedIn as an example, we do publish a lot of thought leadership, and we will be doing more with high radius so that we can show you you know how payments are working around the world completely with the goal in helping you get paid faster and get paid more.

Alright, I think what we’re doing is we’re going to end with cycle. And then after that, we’re gonna hear a little bit about high rated, putting out with some questions. So the poll question here is, are you interested in implementing a cloud based e invoicing self service portal, and hopefully what you’ve heard today will help me pack this app, but certainly, I think it’s going to help our sales teams in conversations with even the court. At this point I’m going to be handing back.

Moderator 43:38
Thank you, Catherine. As we finish up the polling, we’ll go ahead and move on to the next section. So a little bit about high radius. High radius is a FinTech enterprise software as a service company, which leverages artificial intelligence based autonomous systems to help companies automate accounts receivable and Treasury processes. High radius is the only provider of the integrated receivables platform for the entire order to cash cycle. And the high radius treasury management platform helps teams accurately cash forecasts with AI, and create touch touch with cash management and bake reconciliation. We have over 250 fortune 1000 customers on our platform, which has processed over 1 trillion in b2b transactions. And high radius was founded in 2006. With our headquarters in Houston in the United States and offices in London and in Europe, and Hyderabad and AIPAC. We started our journey with on premise solutions ventured into cloud solutions for finance and delivered the integrated receivables platform. By 2014. We were focused on deploying AI use cases for specific treasury and receivable functions. Today, our AI enabled autonomous systems help finance analysts, break free from clunky enterprise software, make better decisions and improve the quality of work life by automating clerical work. I radius is added by industry leaders with strategic partnerships with and investments from the likes of Citi and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. So as I mentioned on the last slide, this map shows our multi region air implementations as well as our offices located in the US, India and London. And here’s a partial list of some of our customers. So as you can see, we have dozens of the largest companies in the world using our solution. But more importantly, we are represented in a wide range of industries. We even work with a large number of midsize businesses to help keep their HR teams lean and efficient as they grow. And through 700 Plus finance transformation projects spread across 45 countries and years of research and development. We bring with us a plethora of experience from working closely with industry leaders implementing our solution. And this slide is meant to illustrate our modular approach for the five core HR automation functional areas ranging from credit to collections. So our credit Cloud helps you get new customers onboard and manage ongoing credit risk with existing customers. Our aipp Cloud gives you a platform to engage customers digitally and give them the option to view invoices statement make payments and log disputes. Our cash application Cloud helps you automatically apply the payments once they are received and eliminates manual tasks involved in the process. Our deduction Cloud customers may not always pay an invoice in full so the deductions Cloud helps you manage the short payments and resolve disputes faster. And our collections Cloud helps you create strategies and prioritise and follow up with customers. And this slide is meant to illustrate our suite of treasury management applications. So our cash for Cash Forecasting cloud is our own artificial intelligence engine processes data sets such as bank statements, and outflows and customer invoices to provide the most accurate cash flow forecasts right from a ledger account level and rolling up to the organisational level. For your operational and non operational categories such as AR, AP, payroll, tax and investment. We integrate with your company’s ERP system, accounting system and even TMS. The Cash Management Cloud automatically loads and processes your electronic bank statements and auto classifies the transaction details into any operational and non operational cash flow categories. It also provides a centralised view of your enterprise wide cash flow that allows for visibility of all bank feeds and rolls up at any level or frequency. And lastly, the bank reconciliation cloud automates the reconciliation of your general ledger with your bank account statements. And the system automatically processes bank statements such as your mt 940s. And VA assumes and classifies all your and outflows into the various categories, including AR, AP, payroll, and tax. It also maps the transactions to the respective GL accounts and generates an output file that will post to any ERP or accounting system. So we had many great questions come in during the presentation. Let’s go ahead and get started with our first one. Our first question is, what are the parameters in which customer segmentation can be done on a self service portal? You partially Catherine feel free to answer.

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay 48:23
Alright, so this is something that I dealt with during the presentation as well. So I think here the main thing is what actually is valuable to your organisation. So you could base it off based on customer tear. But there we have seen examples where you know, customer, merchants problem is that there are too many check payments, and they want to move everybody as much as possible to E payments. In that case, you know, go with your first segmentation should be how many customers are very heavy on paper payments, and then rollout the poor e adoption to this set of customers first. You might also have a case where a lot where some of your customers are heavily on paper invoicing, and you want to stop that and you want to, you know, really encourage them to move to invoicing. In that case, start segmentation based on who are your top X customers who contribute to most of your paper costs, and then look at moving them on into the T adoption programme first. Besides these, you have this traditional segmentations like regions by partner type, as I said, national partners versus regional partners and everything else. But at the core of it, it comes down to where do you expect to get most value out of the adoption programme? That’s

Moderator 49:57
great. Thank you to panjin. So we have our next question, which is what are regions in the world where local payment methods adoption rate is the highest?

Katherine McClure 50:14
About one, you know, most regions of the world except for North America, really. So what you’ll need to do is take a look at where you’re doing business where people are looking to pay you and do a deeper dive in those regions to see the ones that will be most impactful for your business, and to do that already have changed and is absolutely prepared to work independently. And make those decisions with you for what makes the most sense for the type of business that you have.

Moderator 50:49
Great, thank you. Thank you, Catherine. So that’s all the time that we have for q&a. If we were unable to answer your question, we promise we will follow up with you. And if you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you all for attending. Thank you to pondan and Catherine for presenting and have a great day

Katherine McClure

Partner Development Manager
PPRO Group

If you can target a region and customise the payments then that's going to drive e-adoption, improve customer experience, which will lead to higher volumes.

Deepanjan Chattopadhyay

AVP - Product

We believe that two simple steps will go a long way in helping organizations improve their cash flow, driving e-adoption among your customers and supporting local payments across different geographies.


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HighRadius Cash Application Software enables the end-to-end automation of the cash application process that covers major benefits such as AI-enabled data capture for remittances, auto-linking of payments with open invoices, cost-cutting on lockbox fees and easy compatibility with any system due to its ERP-agnostic Saas infrastructure. Apart from the major benefits that it has, there are some key features which can not be missed out, some of them are Email Remittance capture, Discounts and Deductions Handling, Check Remittance Capture, Web Remittance Capture, Invoice Matching, and RDC & Mobile Payments.