Treasury Payments

Payment Factory

One hub for all Initiation and Approval Workflows. Process 98% of Payments on time with enhanced security.


Key Features

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Payment Initiation

Centralized payment management. Facilitates automatic, manual, and template-based payment initiation from a single platform

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Payment Approvals

Multi-level Authentication. View, delegate, request information, approve, or reject payments after policy checks in the approval cycle.

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Target Balance Checker and Bank Cutoff Monitor

Track real-time payments. Ensure sufficient funds and meet bank cut-off times, preventing delays and interest charges.

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Bulk Payments

Manage bulk payment. Process and manage ERP/AP-imported bulk payment files, while improving visibility.

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Reports and Dashboards

Out-of-the-box Reporting. Access reports and visual widgets for executive insights with customizable drill-down capabilities.  

AI-based E-Mail Remittance Capture

Payment Status Tracker and Payment Release

Track payment progress. View the holistic status of all payments and manage payment releases within the system.

Trusted By The Best Treasury Teams Around The Globe

Enterprise Customers

95% Accuracy in A/R & AP forecast
Using Machine Learning Models for Forecast. Read More.


1 month+ Saved Per Person
Every Year With Daily Automated Forecasts. Read More.