How AI is Reshaping the Role of the Treasurer

8 June, 2021
14 mins
Brett Johnson, AVP, Global Enablement

Table of Content

Key Takeaways
The Evolving Role of the Corporate Treasurer
Empowering Treasurers’ Evolving Role with Artificial Intelligence.
Making an Impact with Treasury Software

Key Takeaways

  • KPIs of a treasurer
  • Upskilling treasurers roles to more valuable ones with AI
  • Discover how AI helps treasury to be more productive and efficient


After the 2008 financial crisis, when countries were busy changing their financial rules, corporate treasurers had a lot of important work to do. This situation also caused a significant shift in the role of a treasurer, which continues to change even today. With the uncertainty in the economy returning, having a strong treasury function is more critical than ever.

We spoke with a group of treasurers and CFOs from around the world to understand how these changes in their jobs are happening and how quickly. Organizations now realize that treasury plays a crucial role in keeping the company healthy. This evolution means that the treasury is not just another support function anymore. Successful treasurers are adding value to businesses, and their roles are becoming more strategic. 

In this blog, we will discuss how the roles and responsibilities of a treasurer have evolved over the years and how Artificial Intelligence is enabling treasurers to become more progressive business partners. 

The Evolving Role of the Corporate Treasurer

A treasurer is responsible for managing all the financial affairs of a business. Their role includes budgeting, financial planning, overseeing financial transactions, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. They are also responsible for monitoring and reporting on the organization’s financial health and supporting the CFOs in informed decision-making. 

Traditionally, a treasurer’s role revolved around five core responsibilities:


  1. Cash Management: Ensuring there’s enough cash to meet the company’s financial obligations.

  2. Risk Management: Safeguarding the organization against financial risks like market fluctuations.

  3. Investment Management: Making smart investments to maximize returns.

  4. Financing: Securing funds for the company’s operations and growth.

  5. Payment Operations: Ensuring accurate and timely payments to suppliers and creditors.

However, these roles have become increasingly challenging due to factors like globalization, complex financial instruments, and heightened regulatory scrutiny. treasurers today find themselves wearing multiple hats. They have become strategic partners to CFOs, playing a pivotal role in steering organizations toward success. Given below is a table that shows how each of these roles has transformed over time.

Treasury Role

Traditional Responsibilities

Evolved Responsibilities

Cash Management

– Monitoring cash flow

– Ensuring there’s enough cash

– Accurately predicting future cash needs

Risk Management

– Safeguarding against market risks

– Managing cyber threats and geopolitical uncertainties

– Assessing and mitigating a broader range of risks

Investment Management

– Making smart investments

– Maximizing returns

– Navigating a complex investment landscape

– Balancing returns with liquidity requirements


– Securing funds for operations

– Managing loans and debt

– Optimizing capital structure and financing options

– Identifying the best financing options

Payment Operations

– Ensuring accurate payments to suppliers and creditors

– Facilitating seamless payment processes

– Adapting to real-time payments and international transactions

Treasurers today are required to have a broader skill set and a more comprehensive understanding of global financial dynamics to effectively manage their organization’s finances.


Empowering Treasurers’ Evolving Role with Artificial Intelligence.

It’s increasingly important for treasurers to blend traditional and evolved responsibilities to effectively handle new challenges and seize opportunities. Treasurers should aim to transition from being purely finance experts to influential figures in boardroom discussions. During this transformation, embracing AI as a strategic tool becomes vital. AI isn’t just a trendy term; it’s a game-changer that’s reshaping the treasurer’s role in significant ways.

Role of AI in Supporting Five Key Objectives for Treasurers

To ensure success in the boardroom this year, treasurers need to consider these key objectives that will not only enhance their role but also contribute significantly to the organization’s growth and stability. 


1. Strategic Cash Management

Objective: Ensure the organization has sufficient liquidity while optimizing cash usage for strategic investments and debt management.

How AI helps: AI-powered predictive analytics can provide real-time insights into cash flow patterns, helping treasurers forecast future cash needs accurately. It can also recommend the most cost-effective ways to manage cash, such as identifying opportunities to invest surplus cash or optimizing payment timing to reduce costs.

This gives treasurers the ability to confidently manage cash flow and provide data-driven recommendations for strategic investments and debt management, enhancing their influence in boardroom discussions on financial strategy.

2. Advanced Risk Management

Objective: Protect the company against a wide range of risks, including market fluctuations, cyber threats, and geopolitical uncertainties.

How AI helps: AI-driven risk modeling can assess various risk factors and their potential impact on the organization. It can swiftly process vast amounts of financial data, enabling treasurers to explore various scenarios and assess how different factors impact financial outcomes. AI also excels at detecting anomalies and unusual patterns in data, essential for spotting potential financial irregularities and reducing risks of fraud.

With AI treasurers can provide early warnings and data-driven risk assessments to enhance their influence in boardroom discussions on risk management and strategic planning.

3. Data-Driven Investment Strategy

Objective: Develop a data-driven investment strategy that balances returns with liquidity requirements in a complex investment landscape.

How AI helps: AI can analyze vast amounts of financial data, market trends, and economic indicators to identify investment opportunities and risks. Machine learning algorithms can optimize investment portfolios, adjusting strategies in real time based on changing market conditions. AI can also provide insights into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, aligning investments with sustainability goals.

Treasurers who can articulate data-driven investment strategies are seen as forward-thinking and capable of optimizing the company’s financial portfolio. Their ability to align investments with sustainability goals also resonates with boardroom discussions on corporate responsibility and long-term value creation.

4. Optimal Financing Solutions

Objective: Identify the most suitable financing options and optimize the organization’s capital structure.

How AI helps:  AI-driven financial modeling can simulate various financing scenarios, helping treasurers select the best funding sources and capital structure for the organization’s needs. AI can analyze market conditions and recommend the timing of debt issuances or refinancing to minimize costs. Natural language processing (NLP) can assist in contract analysis and negotiation.

Using AI, treasurers could have a more strategic approach to capital management, and funding choices enhancing their influence in boardroom discussions on financial strategy and resource allocation.

5. Seamless Payment Operations

Objective: Ensure efficient and accurate payment processes in an era of real-time payments and global transactions.

How AI helps: AI-powered robotic process automation (RPA) can streamline payment operations by automating routine tasks such as invoice processing, reconciliation, and payment approvals. Natural language processing can enhance communication with international partners and suppliers, reducing errors and delays in cross-border payments. AI can also detect and prevent payment fraud in real time.

This gives treasurers the ability to ensure an accurate and efficient payment process, increasing their influence in boardroom discussions on operational efficiency and risk mitigation.

Making an Impact with Treasury Software

Treasury software plays a pivotal role in transforming the role of a treasurer into a more strategic decision-makers within organizations.

At HighRadius, we help treasurers around the world get a real-time view of their global cash, manage debt and investment instruments, forecast cash precisely, and perform scenarios and cash flow analysis with confidence. Moreover, our Autonomous Treasury software automates all sorts of routine and time-consuming financial tasks and gives valuable time back to Treasury teams to focus on high-value functions. 

 If you are looking for a one-stop solution for all your treasury-related operations, check out our Autonomous Treasury Software especially built for treasurers and their team. 



1. What does a treasurer handle?

A treasurer manages an organization’s finances, overseeing budgeting, financial reporting, and cash management. They ensure funds are allocated efficiently, monitor transactions, and maintain accurate records. Treasurers also make strategic financial decisions and manage investments to support the organization’s goals and stability.

2. How AI help in the role of a treasurer?

AI can assist treasurers by automating financial data analysis, predicting cash flows, optimizing investment portfolios, and detecting anomalies in transactions. It enhances decision-making, reduces risks, and increases efficiency in managing treasury operations, ultimately ensuring better financial stability and strategic planning.

Related Resources

Cash Forecasting
Treasury & Risk
Talk TO Our Experts

Streamline your order-to-cash operations with HighRadius!

Automate invoicing, collections, deduction, and credit risk management with our AI-powered AR suite and experience enhanced cash flow and lower DSO & bad debt

The HighRadius™ Treasury Management Applications consist of AI-powered Cash Forecasting Cloud and Cash Management Cloud designed to support treasury teams from companies of all sizes and industries. Delivered as SaaS, our solutions seamlessly integrate with multiple systems including ERPs, TMS, accounting systems, and banks using sFTP or API. They help treasuries around the world achieve end-to-end automation in their forecasting and cash management processes to deliver accurate and insightful results with lesser manual effort.