What is Bank Reconciliation & Why Is It Important

17 June, 2024
12 min
Terri Miller, Director of Business Operations

Table of Content

Key Takeaways
What is Bank Reconciliation?
What are the 3 Types of Bank Reconciliation?
Example of Bank Reconciliation
What is the Purpose of Bank Reconciliation?
What are the Advantages of a Bank Reconciliation Statement?
Manual Bank Reconciliation vs Automated Bank Reconciliation
Benefits of automated bank reconciliations
How HighRadius Can Help?

Key Takeaways

  • Bank reconciliation is the process of matching entries in accounting records with information on a bank statement.
  • Bank reconciliation is critical to get detailed visibility into cash availability, achieve accurate reporting, and faster financial close.
  • Automating bank reconciliation with accounting software reduces manual effort, minimizes errors and provides real-time reconciliation.


Maintaining accurate and reliable financial records is pivotal for organizations. Imagine a scenario where your financial records do not match with your bank statements. What could have led to this discrepancy? While there are many reasons, starting with data entry errors, unauthorized transactions and variances in accounting that might contribute to this, what helps is identifying these discrepancies early on. Proactively identifying and rectifying such issues enables you to avoid serious financial misstatements, cash flow difficulties, and compliance risks. This is where bank reconciliation comes into play.

Bank reconciliation helps uncover and correct differences between a company’s financial records and its bank statements, preventing minor mistakes from having large impacts. It is a critical process that ensures the authenticity and integrity of financial records. Understanding and implementing good bank reconciliation processes is critical for firms looking to keep accurate financial records, detect fraud, and assure financial stability. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of bank reconciliation, its purpose and types, and how implementing it can streamline and enhance vital accounting processes.

What is Bank Reconciliation?

Bank reconciliation is an accounting process in which a company’s records are reconciled with its bank statements to make sure that the balances match. It entails tallying the transactions recorded in the company’s books (deposits, withdrawals, payments, etc.) with those listed on the bank statement.

Beyond merely matching records, bank reconciliation serves as a crucial internal control mechanism. It provides a systematic way to verify that all transactions have been properly recorded and accounted for, reducing the risk of financial misstatements.This process helps identify differences, whether they are errors, omissions, or unauthorized transactions, between the organization’s internal records and the bank records. Verification of these two independent sets of records ensures consistency and helps businesses maintain the integrity of their financial data.

What are the 3 Types of Bank Reconciliation?

Bank reconciliation is a financial procedure in which records of a company’s transactions are compared to its bank statements to ensure consistency and accuracy. To carry out this process, companies may choose different types of bank reconciliation methods. Let us look at the three primary forms of bank reconciliation below:

Types of Bank Reconciliation

  1. Periodic reconciliation

    Periodic reconciliation involves checking the transactions of corresponding accounts periodically, usually on a monthly basis. This approach ensures that inconsistencies are proactively detected and corrected before they become a problem. Through regular reconciliation, financial records remain accurate and up-to-date.

  2. Continuous reconciliation

    Continuous reconciliation is a process that involves matching transactions in real-time or on a daily basis. This strategy enables businesses to keep their financial records consistently accurate. Continuous reconciliation is especially useful for firms with high transaction volumes since it helps to swiftly discover and rectify differences.

  3. Inter-company reconciliation

    Intercompany reconciliation is a process that involves comparing and matching intercompany transactions between different companies under the same organization. This becomes critical for firms that have several subsidiaries or divisions, whereby intercompany transactions should be correctly captured to ensure accuracy in consolidated financial reporting.

Example of Bank Reconciliation

To understand bank reconciliation better, let’s look at a simplified example of Company X:

  • Bank Statement Balance: On March 31st, the bank statement shows a balance of $15,000.
  • Outstanding Checks: The company issued checks worth $1,200 that have not yet cleared the bank.
  • Deposits in Transit: The company made deposits totaling $1,000 that the bank has not yet recorded.

Reconciliation Calculation:

  • Start with the bank statement balance: $15,000
  • Subtract outstanding checks: $15,000 – $1,200 = $13,800
  • Add deposits in transit: $13,800 + $1,000 = $14,800

The adjusted bank balance is $14,800, which should now be compared to the company’s cash account balance after considering any errors or omissions.

Here, when we compare the company’s cash account balance ($14,200) and the adjusted bank balance ($14,800), we see a difference of $600. Company X can now go back to their accounts, identify the cause of this difference, and make adjustments accordingly.

What is the Purpose of Bank Reconciliation?

Bank reconciliation plays an important role in getting detailed visibility into cash availability, accurate reporting, fraud detection, faster financial close, and facilitating seamless audits. Regular bank reconciliations can help businesses proactively identify any conflicting items on bank statements and take prompt actions. It is imperative for businesses to be prepared for regular bank reconciliations and to adoptbest practices in reconciliation, as transaction volume increases. Here are some of reasons why businesses should prioritize bank reconciliation processes:

Purpose of Bank Reconciliation

  • Accuracy: It ensures the accuracy of financial records through identification and rectification of discrepancies.
  • Fraud Detection: It helps detect unauthorized transactions and probable fraud by the regular review and transaction matching.
  • Financial Control: It gives better control of cash and proper management of overall finance since all transactions are accurately recorded.
  • Compliance: Ensures compliance with regulatory and audit requirements, providing detailed and accurate financial statements.
  • Error Identification: Identifies errors in both the company’s records and the bank’s statements, ensuring all transactions are accurately recorded.
  • Cash Flow Management: It assists in effective cash flow management by providing a clear picture of available funds and financial health.

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What are the Advantages of a Bank Reconciliation Statement?

A bank reconciliation statement provides various advantages that go beyond financial correctness. This vital accounting tool not only helps to synchronize your financial records with bank statements, but it also offers various strategic advantages that improve overall financial management. Here are some of the primary benefits of creating and maintaining a bank reconciliation statement:

  • Streamlines financial processes

    Bank reconciliation streamlines financial processes as it ensures that all the transactions are logged in correctly and uniformly across your financial systems.

  • Minimizes financial risk

    The reconciliation process minimizes financial risk by identifying discrepancies early, thereby enabling businesses to address potential issues before they become major challenges.

  • Improves cash management

    Since bank reconciliation creates a clear picture of cash inflows and outflows, it helps improve cash management and enables businesses to optimize their liquidity and pay their financial obligations on time.

  • Enhances internal controls

    The process of bank reconciliation tightens internal controls by instituting a routine check and balance system that reduces the probability of fraud and error within the organization.

  • Facilitates reconciliation of accounts receivable and payable

    Regular reconciliation, being a best practice, leads to the tracking and management of accounts receivable and payable with great accuracy, thus ensuring that payments and collections are timely.

  • Supports financial planning and analysis

    A reconciled bank statement provides reliable data, which forms the basis for effective financial planning and analysis that leads to improved forecasting and strategic decision-making.

  • Encourages financial accountability

    The discipline of regular bank reconciliation encourages financial accountability among employees, which promotes a culture of accuracy and responsibility in the area of financial reporting.

  • Aids in business growth

    Precise financial records, as acquired through reconciliation, provide a good foundation for business growth since they provide insights that are important in expansion and investment decisions.

Manual Bank Reconciliation vs Automated Bank Reconciliation

Bank reconciliation can be done manually or automatically with specialized accounting software. Each strategy has its own attributes, benefits, and downsides. The table below compares manual and automated bank reconciliation.


Manual Bank Reconciliation

Automated Bank Reconciliation


Involves manually comparing bank statements with financial records

Uses software to automatically match transactions with minimal human intervention

Time Consumption

Time-consuming, especially for large volumes of transactions

Significantly faster, processes large volumes of transactions quickly


Prone to human error during data entry and comparison

Higher accuracy due to automation which reduces human error

Resource Requirement

Requires considerable human resources and effort

Requires less manual effort, freeing up staff for other tasks

Error Detection

Errors may go unnoticed longer due to manual oversight

Quickly identifies discrepancies and errors


Lower initial costs but higher ongoing labor costs

Higher initial cost for software but lower long-term operational costs


Challenging to scale with business growth

Easily scalable to accommodate increasing transaction volumes


Limited reporting capabilities, often requiring additional manual effort

Comprehensive reporting features, providing detailed insights and analysis

Compliance & Audit

It is more difficult to maintain thorough records for audits

Simplifies compliance and audit processes with accurate and accessible records

Real-Time Processing

Typically reconciled periodically (monthly, quarterly)

Enables real-time or daily reconciliation

Benefits of automated bank reconciliations

Automated bank reconciliation has significant advantages over manual processing, changing the way firms handle their financial data. Using innovative technology and software, automated bank reconciliation improves efficiency, accuracy, and overall financial management. Here are some of the major advantages of automated bank reconciliation:

Benefits of automated bank reconciliations

  • Fast and accurate

    AI-based anomaly detectionenables faster financial close and accurate reconciliation of bank statements and general ledger (GL) and sub-ledger, saving accountants from manual work and making the process faster and more accurate.

  • Proactive risk assessment

    AI-powered reconciliation allows accountants to prioritize reconciliations by risk, value thresholds, and other key parameters. They can auto-assign reconciliations to users or user groups.

  • Improved visibility and control

    Real-time dashboard offers visibility to all stakeholders on the status of reconciliation, dependencies, and any required action.

  • Standardized data documentation

    Automation software for account reconciliationallows users to leverage pre-configured reconciliation templates (or create their own templates) to accelerate the reconciliation process. Transactional data analysis, computations, and document creation can be done in the same template.

  • Increased Efficiency

    Automated bank reconciliation significantly reduces the time and effort required to reconcile accounts by quickly matching transactions, allowing finance teams to focus on more strategic tasks.

  • Real-time reconciliation

    Automated systems enable real-time or daily reconciliation, providing businesses with up-to-date financial information and improving cash flow management.

How HighRadius Can Help?

HighRadius’ comprehensive AI-powered Record-to-Report suite helps you and your company optimize cash flow management and decrease reconciliation delays. It allows you to streamline and improve your business’s bank and account reconciliation processes. By leveraging out of the box AI transaction matching rules you can automate the reconciliation process and achieve a 95% journal posting automation.

With real-time reconciliation capabilities, HighRadius ensures that your financial records are updated daily. This is particularly helpful to organizations where a large number of transactions take place every day. Its powerful matching algorithms quickly identify and resolve variances, increasing speed and accuracy.

HighRadius’transaction matching softwareuses AI to identify and set matching rules, allowing for automatic line-level transaction matching across many data sources. This dramatically minimizes the manual effort involved in reconciling transactions, resulting in up to 90% higher transaction auto-match rates and a 30% reduction in the number of days required to reconcile accounts.

Further, HighRadius’ Reconciliation Control Tower provides you with a centralized view of your reconciliation tasks, with real-time updates of active general ledger account status, including identification of variances and certification statuses. This enables in ensuring that your financial records are accurate and timely assisting in faster decision-making and issue resolution. 

HighRadius assures compliance with regulations and provides detailed reconciliation reports for audits. By automating and improving the bank reconciliation process, HighRadius provides your company with what it needs to ensure accurate, efficient, and compliant financial management.

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1) Why is it important to reconcile your bank statements?

Reconciling your bank statements is important because it ensures that your financial records accurately reflect your actual bank account balance. This helps to identify any discrepancies or errors, prevent fraud, and provide valuable insights into your cash flow and financial health.

2) Is bank reconciliation a ledger itself?

Bank reconciliation is not a ledger itself but rather a process or a tool used to ensure the accuracy and consistency between a company’s bank account records and its own accounting records. It is a statement to identify & correct the causes of differences between cash book & bank statements.

3) What is the most important step for reconciling bank statements?

The most important step in reconciling a bank statement is to compare the transactions recorded in the company’s accounting records (ledger) with the transactions listed in the bank statement every month. This step involves carefully reviewing each transaction and ensuring it matches.

4) Who should prepare a bank reconciliation?

Bank reconciliations are an important tool in cash-flow management, and are typically prepared by the company’s accounting department or finance department. Specifically, it is often the responsibility of the company’s bookkeeper or accountant to perform the bank reconciliation process.

5) How often should you do bank reconciliation?

In general, firms should conduct bank reconciliations at least once each month. This process normally takes place after the end of the month, when banks provide monthly statements that can be used as a basis for reconciliation. As per the volume of transactions, you could reconcile on a weekly or daily basis.

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