liability in accounting

What is a liability in accounting?

Liability refers to the company's legal obligation or responsibility to pay debts, fulfill contractual obligations, or compensate for damages or losses caused to another party. Liabilities are recorded on a company's balance sheet as they represent amounts that the company owes or will owe in the future.

What are the 3 types of liabilities?

There are different types of liabilities in business, including current liabilities (short-term debts or obligations that are due within one year) and long-term liabilities (debts or obligations that are due more than one year in the future). Examples of business liabilities include accounts payable, loans, notes payable, accrued expenses, and deferred revenue.

Managing liabilities is an important aspect of financial management as it affects the company's financial health, creditworthiness, and ability to obtain financing. HighRadius’ Autonomous Accounting Software is a good choice if you are looking to automate your finance & accounting operations.