Be Humble But Ready To Rumble at HighRadius

Curiosity and humility is how we learn and grow professionally

To keep pace with the industry, all of our departments are constantly under construction! Too much experience in outdated business models could be as harmful as too little experience.  Life is too short to work with pompous jerks who can’t see past their own ego to process new information, feedback, and ideas. Humility and self-awareness play a big role in continuous learning.

How we implement this at HighRadius

Kodak Moment
One of the worst things you can say at HighRadius is, “I have been doing this for a long time” in order to get your point across. That’s a Kodak Moment. Remember the story of Kodak and how it ignored all the emerging digital trends? They held onto legacy beliefs that became their ultimate downfall. Throw your past in the trash and stay open to new ideas and continually iterate and innovate!

Talk less than 40%
Listen more to learn more is our mantra. We like to listen to understand instead of waiting to speak. As an example, our best salespeople tend to speak the least among their peers and spend most of the time being curious and learning about the customer.

Inbound Processing
The hardest skill to master is putting ourselves in the other person’s situation and figuring out the WIIFT (What’s In It For Them). This requires a lot of brain strain versus pushing your own agenda. As an example, a good Implementation Consultant has to ask a lot of questions to truly understand the current business process of the client’s users. Unless they are able to visualize the customer’s business process as if they are the end-user themselves, their ‘outbound’ solutions will be a one way street, driving them straight into problems ahead that they didn’t foresee.