Advanced Credit Scoring Models and Workflow Automation


About The Webinar

Have your credit scoring models caught up with technology advancements such as artificial intelligence and statistically validated algorithms? Or, do you continue relying on expert scorecards that have been designed using manually assigned variables with static points?

With rising competition, volatile markets and an unprecedented rise of business risk, advanced credit risk management could very well be a company’s competitive advantage.

In the upcoming webinar, join, Dr. Vernon Gerety, a 25+ years’ veteran in credit modeling as he takes you through the evolution of credit scoring models and application of advanced statistics to cut credit risk.

There’s no time like the present

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HighRadius Credit Software automates the credit management process, enabling credit managers to make highly-accurate credit decisions 2X faster and enable faster customer onboarding with 4 primary components: configurable online credit application, customizable credit scoring engines, credit agency data aggregation engine, and collaborative credit management workflow. Along with that, there are a lot of key features that should definitely be explored some of which are online credit application, credit information aggregation, automated credit scoring & risk assessment, credit management workflows, approval workflows, and automated bank & trade reference checks. The result is faster customer onboarding, better internal collaboration, higher customer satisfaction, more targeted periodic reviews, and lower credit risk across the company’s customer portfolio.