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An Excel-based Credit Management Vendor Evaluation Scorecard to make informed decisions. Compare features, automate credit scoring, and reduce bad debt. Download Now.

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Discover the ultimate Excel-based vendor evaluation scorecard by HighRadius to streamline your financial close process and choose the best month-end close software with our step-by-step…

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An Excel-based vendor evaluation scorecard to select the vendor that achieves the highest score as the cash forecasting solution provider.

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An eBook that gives complete information on variance analysis. It discusses its purpose and applications in treasury, the traditional methods for calculating variances, and the…

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This anomaly management dashboard template helps accounting teams keep track of anomalies, assign them to analysts, and store evidence for their resolution.

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Forecast weekly cash flow with 13-week rolling cash flow forecast model. Know why it's important, and how to use a free Excel template.

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This monthly financial report template overviews the critical KPIs for the finance and accounting teams.

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A credit note template is a ready-made document that can be utilized over and over again by the buyer to issue a credit to their…

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This package contains an excel sheet and an ebook for A/R leaders for justifying a business case in an automated cash application system.

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Wondering which tool to choose the best cash flow tool to optimize your treasury operations? Download this scorecard to select the best-fit tool

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B2B collections maturity model helps analyze, align & execute collections processes more effectively. Download this free tool to evaluate your maturity level!

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Use this net cash flow calculator to calculate your company’s operating cash flow, net cash flow(in/out), projected cash flow and the closing balance.

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Download these cash flow forecast excel templates and track your cash inflows and cash outflows on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

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Download this Bank Scorecard Template to get better insights for treasurer’s on bank performance and make strategic planning.

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An Excel-based variance analysis template to calculate the variances between forecasts and actuals.

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We present to you 11 best-in-class debt collection email templates used by professionals across 700+ leading order-to-cash teams. Just download, personalize, & send!

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An Excel-based vendor evaluation scorecard to select the vendor that achieves the highest score as the cash forecasting solution provider.

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Types of digital payments and Download this infographic to learn about 6 trending digital payment formats

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This tool focuses on assessing the aging of accounts receivables and helps you automate collections with a template-based worklist prioritization. Start now

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Understanding the metric Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and how to calculate DSO in Excel. Download our Excel-based DSO calculator here.

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An easy step-by-step checklist that Fortune 500 Companies use to evaluate Credit Applications submitted by New Customers. It helps you ensure that your current Business…

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Top performing email scripts used across 700+ leading order-to-cash teams, including Fortune 1000 companies.

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An insightful summary of how Fortune 1000 companies & SMEs are evaluating their vendors for the digital transformation of their accounts receivable processes.

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Learn what is credit scoring model. Download free credit score model powered by D&B, NACM data to calculate the credit risk score for your customers

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The aging report template gives you an intuitive aging dashboard of past due receivables. Additionally, we provide a self-prioritizing collections worklist template that could automatically…

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This excel template has all the relevant information you need to know in order to roll out a surcharge program and welcome credit card payments.…

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What do you need, to send out mass dunning email communication for collecting outstanding payments, at once? Some automation tools? Supernatural powers? No. All you…

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to the next level
with Automation